Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The 3rd Saturday with Luke & Max

I arrived at Debbie's house bright and early again, and in time to sadly see Man Utd get beaten by Chelsea, but Jim was also a Man U supporter so we could console each other.
I caught Aston by surprise in the kitchen. Chocolate milkshake for breakfast? 
So then the day continued with Wii and Square Bob Sponge Pants, which I love. I could've watched that all day. And we did for a lot of the morning with games played intermittently. But after our lunch of squashed bologne sandwiches, we went outside to see Jim off. Scott had come round to take him out for lunch and a spot of shopping. I watched with great interest at how Jim would negotiate his leg into the car with a brace from thigh to ankle keeping it straight.
Of course my camera was ready but I could hardly keep it still as I was laughing so hard watching Jim's efforts. Scott thought I was going to pass out. But after a while Jim's sheer determination and the prospect of some time away from the house helped him get his leg into the car. Wished I could've seen him getting out at the other end.
The boys were happy to be outside playing since it was so warm, and once Jim & Scott returned, we all sat on the deck enjoying the warm rays.
  We had a constant visitor while we were there. This large bumble bee would hover just above us and then directly in front of each of us as though he was getting a good look. He showed no fear and after a while, he became part of the group.
Later, we went out to the front of the house where Luke, Max and Peyton could speed up and down the road on their vehicles while making halfhearted efforts to run Jim and I over.
Aston turned up from a shopping trip having purchased a set of tools for work. Max took this photo.
 The day wrapped up when Debbie arrived home in her new Taurus and the boys decided to climb into the boot trunk for a photo. 
 Since I would be returning the next day for Max and Aston's birthday party, I was allowed to take home my favorite Transformer, Optimus Prime, for the night. He spoke several phrases and fired weapons while his eyes flashed. Very cool. 

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